Eric Mc Elrath Pic

Eric McElrath



DPT, Oakland University 

BS in Kinesiology, Michigan State University


● American Physical Therapy Association

● Michigan Physical Therapy Association

Professional Involvement

While completing his DPT, Eric assisted with research looking at the differential diagnosis of

shoulder pain using symptom localization. He worked was a graduate assistant which included

lab assisting for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation course in the entry level program. He also

assisted in data collection with HOP-UP-PT in combination with Oakland University’s School of

Engineering examining the use of a robot to lead a exercise class for older adults.


Eric has always had a passion for movement and exercise. He chose the field of physical therapy

to work toward becoming an expert in human movement. He believes manual therapy

combined with exercise and knowledge of human biomechanics can be used to effectively treat

musculoskeletal impairments. While completing his doctorate, Eric completed multiple

internships in outpatient and inpatient settings working with a variety of patient populations.

Upon completion of his doctorate degree, he received the Manual Therapy Excellence Award’.

Eric is looking forward to his enrollment in Oakland University’s Orthopedic Manual Physical

Therapy (OMPT) advance graduate certificate with the intention of learning more to better

serve his patients.

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