What to expect on your first visit

The patients initial evaluation will be performed by a licensed physical therapist and certified OMPT. The therapist will first obtain a medical history including mechanism of injury, when it occurred and how has it been progressing, what aggravates it and alleviates the pain, etc. The physical therapist will perform a comprehensive evaluation and explain to the patient exactly what the problem is, how it occurred and how to prevent it in the future. Once the evaluation is done the therapist will develop a treatment plan specific to your needs. You will also be taught exercises to perform independently (a home exercise program). The exercises and treatment performed are very important in improving and maintaining your condition. It is imperative that you perform the exercises as prescribed and attend all scheduled visits to facilitate goal achievement and experience long lasting benefits.

Insurances Accepted

We accept all major insurances. Not sure if your insurance is supported?

When it was time to start outpatient therapy after having had my first knee replacement, I was not looking forward to it. I came into your facility with a 70 degrees angle in March. I will be finishing up my treatments this week and my leg will be between 120 – 125 degrees. 

I have to admit that I have enjoyed my therapy sessions and will miss them. First because of the great work you all have done on my knee, and secondly because of the fun I have had. I want to especially thank the therapist for working so hard to get my leg to bend. I will highly recommend your facility to my friends.

— Mike