Professional and Customized Massage Therapy

Effective Clinical Massage Techniques

At Orthopedic Spine & Sports Therapy, our mission and philosophy are founded on a dedication to our patients and clients. We believe in putting our patients and clients first to ensure they have an excellent experience and receive the quality care they deserve.

We offer massage therapy as part of our mission to improve the wellness of our community. The massage therapy we offer in Michigan is a tremendous complementing service in addition to Physical Therapy to help decrease stress, increase circulation, and promote healing.

Listed below are some clinical massage techniques utilized by massage therapists at Orthopedic Spine & Sports Therapy to address musculoskeletal impairments.

  • Deep Tissue Massage is excellent for relieving tension and getting rid of knots and sore muscles while increasing the range of motion. This massage therapy we provide in Michigan provides a deeper level of pressure that is beneficial for conditions such as chronic pain, muscle spasms, and overuse injuries.
  • Sports Massage is beneficial for athletes beginner to professional alike. These sessions can be performed pre or post activity. We use dynamic stretching to allow connective tissue to move through the full ROM and to flush to the toxins that contribute to muscle and joint soreness.
  • Trigger Point Massage is a great way to relieve tight areas and improve range of motion, posture, and alignment. If you are looking for a specific massage therapy in Auburn Hills that addresses specific issues, trigger point therapy is a great option.
  • Pre-Natal Massage is great to reduce back and joint pain, improve circulation, reduce edema, muscle tension, and headaches, improve oxygenation of soft tissue and muscles, and promotes better sleep. Massage is performed side lying or in a supported position keeping momma and baby happy. 
  • Lymphatic Massage helps the lymphatic system remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissue allowing for relief of symptoms from lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and other conditions.
  • Relaxation Massage is a terrific massage therapy service in Troy, MI, that helps lower stress levels by reducing the stress hormone cortisol in the body, removing tension, and creating a feeling of ease and mental clarity.
  • Oncology Massage is a great way to reduce chronic or acute pain pre and post treatment and can help the body flush toxins as a side effect to treatments. Oncology massage can help with nausea and numbness and promote relaxation and better sleep.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Our massage therapy services at Orthopedic Spine & Sports Therapy will improve your overall health and help treat a variety of conditions.

  • Reduce Stress — You accumulate stress over time, which can negatively impact your physical and emotional well-being. Massage therapy relieves stress and alleviates associated conditions, such as headaches.
  • Manage Pain — Chronic pain from an illness or injury can impede recovery and lower your quality of life. Our massage therapists will help you manage pain so you can focus on getting better.
  • Enhance Immunity — Massage therapy can increase the activity level of killer T cells, which fight viruses, foreign cells, and cancer cells. This reduces your risk of contracting a disease.

Massage Therapy Compliments Physical Therapy

Why should you consider getting massage therapy in Troy, MI? There are many benefits associated with massage therapy. Massage therapy can reduce stress, improve muscle tone and circulation, increase flexibility, and reduce chronic pain.

It is generally used to treat specific conditions or ailments and can be used as part of your overall health plan. With the right provider, massage therapy can be an effective tool for improving overall health and well-being.

Massage Therapy That’s Right for You

When finding the right massage therapy in Auburn Hills, it’s crucial to find a knowledgeable and experienced provider that will recommend the proper treatment for your individual needs. At Orthopedic Spine & Sports Therapy, we have certified massage therapists that will create a treatment plan specifically for you.

Expect a healthier, happier, and more comfortable massage therapy session with Orthopedic Spine & Sports Therapy. Call today to learn more.